Hello Friends.
These are the mountains that I LOVE to hike through and backpack and camp. Since I was a young pup I have been doing that with my MOM almost on a weekly bases. As you know for the last several months I really am unable to do it, do to age and muscle loss, and joint problems. And as you know it has made me very sad. Oh don't get me wrong I am enjoying this new phase in my life, butt I do long for the trail and hiking adventure. Well friends I thought I was dreaming when MOM and I loaded up in the Subaru and headed for a favorite hiking spot. Thanks to KB's advise, Shyla and R's momma, we found a way for me to still enjoy the mountains I love.
You are seeing right friends, that is me starting out on an adventure, all be it at a much slower pace.
Even thought it is slower I still lead the way.
"Come on MOM adventure awaits just up the river."
Sure I can't splash and romp though the waters like before, butt just standing out here is miracle.
And what is this I've found?
A STICK in need of rescue!
And snow! That's a happy smile on my face.
Normally MOM and I would cross this river and go sit on that big rock. Butt instead we sat here on the other side to take a break and rest and we marveled at the beauty of it all.
Then it was back to walking along the river.
Ooooooo a STICK! MOM said it was a log, butt hey, I don't discriminate, stick/log it's all the same to me. However MOM thought it best I leave this one be, as it was big and in a deep part of the river. She was concerned about me. Well as they say mom's know best. So I did as she asked and left it.
It was a hard thing to do, butt I am sure it will be OK.
We took another break and rest in the shade of this tree.
Those brakes really helped to keep me going.
Going to where you ask?
To a special spot for me and MOM, and as fate would have it there were some submerged sticks in desperate need. What you may not be able to see is between me and those two sticks is a drop off. Again MOM said I could not go get the sticks. So I stood there and whined a little. You know what a little whining gets you? A MOM who waded out in to the cold river to get the sticks for me.
Believe me there were plenty of sticks on dry ground that needed a little help.
Normally MOM and I would hike to the top of that big rock.
Butt on this day we just sat back and admired it from afar.
Then on our way back I found this.
I really don't know what it is, butt it was rather cool sitting way out here.
"Hey MOM what is this?"
Oh the mountains I love. Sure this was not like our other hikes. We took it slow, we rested a lot, I could not do or go to some of the places I once did, and it is true that MOM had to carry me the last 100 to 125 yards back to the Subaru (not all at once, she's tuff butt not that tuff). Butt it was a beautiful dream come true. And you want to know the best part?
THIS!! Just sittin' with my MOM in the place we love. Just being together. If you can't tell that is a big smile on my face and a huge smile on my heart.