Thursday, October 31, 2013

Treats and Time Together

Hello Friends.

I hope all of you had a fun and safe Halloween.  I had a great time.  I spent from early morning to dusk with my pal Bert at his place.  Then my MOM came and picked me up.  Butt before we left Bert gave me a Halloween gift.  I was at his place all day and he didn't even hint he got me something.  MOM played ball with Bert for a while and then we headed home with my treat basket.

Look at this great treat basket Bert gave me. 
"OK MOM I posed real nice with it, can I dig in now?"
"Come on MOM I want that BIG pumpkin orange bone."
"Yea that's the one!!"
Friends I want to point out something to you.  Notice the placements of my paws.  With a bone this size you must brace yourself.
I knew there was a trick to getting this bone.  Oh well, it was Halloween after all.  A little trick for a great treat.
Then you know what MOM and I did?
No trick about this.  It's nothing butt treat.
I always look forward to snugglin' up to MOM while she reads.  And I think she looks forward to it too.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'm a Gangsta

Hello Friends.

My pals Murphy and Stanley had some pretty cool drool and seriously spooky bling they were wearing on their Facebook page.  I made a comment and they were so kind to share some of their bling with me.  Check it out.

That's right hangin' with me means Seeing Beautiful.  That's how I roll, Yo.
AND once again my MOM immortalized me by carving a likeness of me in pumpkin. 
I'm the one on the left. 
Now get ready for some spooky.
I hope I didn't scare ya to much.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hello Friends.

Who doesn’t like an “attaboy!” when they do something good? It's the reason there are scholarship awards for the peeps as they head into college. “Attaboy!” stands behind all those accolades high achievers get throughout life — Rhode’s scholarships, purple hearts, Silver stars, gold statues, merit raises for school teachers, making partner in a big firm, getting re-elected (in any organization, at any level), and those pups who get those Good Canine Citizen things. “Attaboys!” reward the gracious, good, above-and-beyond behaviors we see in others. Good persons and dogs deserve good things.

The problem is that our vision of “good behavior” can get extremely narrow-minded, extremely near-sighted. We only are able to see the good in those who stand closest to us. Those far off become, if not “bad,” at least “other.” “Otherness” is perhaps the most insidious form of prejudice. Why? Because “otherness” makes close closed. “Otherness” disassociates our loved ones from outsiders and strangers. As soon as we identify some as “others,” the game is over. We have drawn up “us” vs. “them” battle-lines.
In the Gospel of Luke 18:9-14 the good-living, well-meaning Pharisee and the ne’r-do-well tax collector are set up as ideal types of the “acceptable” vs. the “other.” The contrast could not be sharper. The Pharisee examines himself, and finds no fault with himself. The tax collector lets God examine him, and throws himself on the bar of God's justice (receiving mercy as God does). Ironically, the Pharisee treats God as a debt collector and the Tax Collector, who IS a debt collector, treats God as a Savior.
The Pharisee lives a truly faithful life. He obeys the letter of the Law. He prays. He fasts. He tithes. He is a Pharisee — that is, an individual who has devoted his life to the study and practice of Torah law as it impacts everyday living for an observant Jew. But the Pharisee’s “prayer” was not a prayer at all. He did not come to God with a spirit that stood humbly before God in acknowledgment of an unmerited gift that only God could offer.
The only time true “prayer” was offered in this parable was by the tax collector. He did not articulate his gifts and graces, or his sins and shortcomings. This Tax Collector felt his failure, and knew without a doubt he stood in need of God’s forgiveness if he had any hope of redemption.

The Pharisee's righteousness does not reach beyond his own boundaries, and his righteousness stiff-arms “others.”
The surprise in this parable is, once again, one who has been classified by the “in crowd” as one of those who is “The Other.” An outsider. Someone everyone else considered a go-along-to-get-along government-droid. A tax-collector. Yet he addresses God firsthand and face first. This tax collector directly asks, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” No excuses. No digressions. No explanations. He confessed his all-too-human inadequacies to God, while seeking God’s forgiveness and acceptance.
(Bansky Art)
Earlier in October graffiti street artist “Bansky” — who has intentionally kept his personal identity under-wraps for the past twenty years traveled from his hometown of London to New York City. Bansky undertook another artistic experiment. This world-renowned artist, whose original works have sold for millions of dollars at auction, set up a small stand on a sidewalk off Central Park. He was selling ”original, signed” pieces of his art. The price for each canvas was $60.00.
Despite this sale happening in a supposedly art-savvy New York City, despite the cache of his name, Bansky (manning his little kiosk in disguise) only managed to sell eight original works during the course of a long, hard day on the sidewalk.
(Bansky Art)
Set up on a bench outside the park, no one appreciated what he had to offer. Because of where he was, he was seen as worthless. Because of who he looked like, his work was seen as valueless. One woman even argued the artist down from his $60.00/piece price to a “twofer” — she got a half-price deal because she bought two for her small daughter’s bedroom. One buyer said he just needed something to “cover the walls.” Each canvas purchased for the street price of sixty green papers is estimated to have resale value of $750,000 to a million green papers.  That a lot of treat money.
A secret unknown and unguessed by the rest of the world. That is the Kingdom of Heaven. Insight into that secret is what transforms self-serving into sacrificial service. Glimpsing that astounding new reality is what makes a prayerful, repentant tax collector. A tax collector is a debt collector, a tabulator, one who adds up debts. Yet in this parable, the tabulator is the one redeemed because he realizes that tabulating debts is sin. The Pharisee is also one who "tabulates" but not the debts of others. He tabulates points for himself. He tallies up his merit badges, his “Attaboys!” and declares himself deserving. The Pharisses are merit badge collectors, yet it is the tax collector who ends up wearing the "red badge of courage,” the evidence of his sin on his sleeve.
If we treat God as though God is a collector of points or will deal out favors like badges for all to see, then we insult the Creator. We cannot expect favors. God's love is not earned. And God’s justice is not vindictive or arbitrary.  God is a God of love and mercy. Despite the trudging atrocities of his everyday life, the tax collector trusts that God is a God of love and mercy.
God is not in the business of collecting or bestowing favors. And prayer should be a conversation, not a status report. A request, not a list of bullet points. When we enter into prayer in the way of "proving" our righteousness, we in fact only prove our pride. We not only deceive others, but ourselves. True prayer is about giving up, not puffing up. Righteousness is a gift to be received, not a merit badge to be earned.
The tax collector treats God as a Just Judge, and flings himself upon the mercy of the court. The Pharisee treats God as a tax collector, a debt collector, and seeks to prove his status as PAID IN FULL. But only God can declare us PAID IN FULL.  Not through merit badges but through God’s amazing grace as a Debt-Eliminator, and Jesus, the Great Debt-Eraser.

In the darkness of the midnight hour, do you hear the phone ringing, the debt collectors calling, and calling and calling?  Or in the darkness of the midnight hour, can you hear the beautiful music?



Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Things I Do

Hello Friends.

Well it has happened again.  I am not sure why peeps get such a kick out of this...

MOM says I look like Angry Ninja Penguin.
Friends HELP ME!
I guess it could be worse, MOM could make me balance something on my nose.

I spoke to soon.

Maybe if I wear my cool drool anti-crying onion goggles no one will recognize me. 
On a more serious note, on Thursday our dear friend Benny went to the Bridge.
Benny brother we sure are going to miss you.  Even without that cape of yours you were always a super hero to me.  You fought like the boldest Frenchie I have ever known.  Run free Benson.  Until we meet again.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Poop Poetry

Hello Friends.

Today I am joining Sugar and Dogster  in SCOOP THAT POOP, poetry edition. 

This is a very important matter my friends.  Saturday I went for a little walk with my friends at the Fort.  Did I poop?  Yes.  Did my MOM scoop it up?  YES!  And she also picked up two other poops along the way that someone else just left there.  That is so wrong.
MOM and I also went off on our own for a little Goosie and MOM alone time.  Even when we are off  the trail, in the woods we always Scoop That Poop.
And yes even along water ways it is important to Scoop That Poop.
The world is a BEAUTIFUL place... even more so when you Scoop That Poop. 
In keeping with the theme for this month Scoop That Poop here is a little poem for you.
Put it in a Bag
Mr. Smith walking down the lane
Slipped on the mess of his own Great Dane.
Now he's scrapping his shoe looking rather sad,
Never would have happened if he'd put it in a bag.
Guide dog, gun dog, guard dog, stray.
Put it in a bag man, squirrel it away.
Put it in your hat man, it'll keep you warm.
Keep it in your pocket on a frost bit morn.
Wolf hound, Bloodhound, Pug, Pekingese,
Put it in a bag man, don't be a tease.
Inside, out, give a good, firm grab.
Put it in a bag man, put it in a bag.
So remember, in the event of your Golden, Chihuahua,
Shihtzu, or Weimarainer fouling the footpath,
Don't be a cad, just put it in a bag.


Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hello Friends.

I am going to talk to you today about persistence.  MOM was reading the scripture she is using Sunday from Luke 18:1-8 about the persistent widow.  Well who knows more about persistence than us dogs?  My Buddy Bert is very persistence when it comes to wanting to go in the water or playing ball.  Our friend Sophie is VERY persistence when it comes to be by Bert's side, or running along with him, or pouncing on him, or biting him, just being with him.  I have  persistence when saving sticks.  Persistence is just a part of us doggies.  In fact a word to describe persistence is "DOGGEDNESS".  So let's get started.  The photos you will see are from a recent play time with my friends and when MOM and I took a nice Autumn walk.

If your peeps have ever tried to housebreak a new puppy (maybe it was even you), you know that the key to success is consistency.  They must always take the puppy out the moment it wakes.  They must never let it whine and look like it needs to go without whisking the little one outside.  And if they let the puppy get away with any indoor accidents, well you know what will happen, you can bet that the pup will return to the scene of the crime for a repeat version of its indiscretion.  The same absolute consistency is required of anyone trying to run the gauntlet of the check-out counter with a child in tow.  It's an absolute, positive law of the universe that a kid (regardless of age) is going to suddenly, desperately need whatever is being sold by the check-out stand in that particular aisle.
A child knows (and so do we dogs) that if they/we beg, moan, screech, or scream long and loud enough, there's a good chance that the "adult-in-charge" may cave in - either out of embarrassment, or exhaustion, or because some primitive survival gene suddenly takes them over.
The justice-seeking widow in Luke 18:1-8 is as annoying and irritating and doggedly persistent as any child in the check-out line . . . or any puppy trying to get outside or get a treat.  Or in Bert's case to get permission to go in the water.
The widow in the Gospel of Luke knows the power of persistence.  It seems to be the only power she possesses.  And she wields this power with unfailing tenacity and skill.
Persistence pays, and nobody knows that better than a dog. When was the last time you sat frozen next to your peep through an entire meal, gazing up with those Bambi eyes we all have, drool dripping from the sides of our mouth? How many times have they caved and tossed us a bite by the end.
This widow's in-your-face annoying presence was so great that this judge, this man who neither feared God nor had respect for people, felt completely beaten up by her powerless persistence.  This judge's eyes were not opened to justice.  His heart wasn't warmed with compassion.  His spirit wasn't compelled to righteousness.  This judge simply wimped out and wore out.
But this parable that Jesus gave isn't just about persistence.  It's about persistence coupled with prayer.  When you yoke persistence with prayer, you get revolution.
All the persistence in the world doesn't pay off without the engines of prayer to power our lives, to make our hopes and dreams soar in the Spirit.
Persistence alone isn't enough.  Only when persistence is yoked to prayer will transformation take place.
My MOM says that Christians are imperfect.
Butt she also says that they should be a humble people who love sacrificially, forgive generously, welcome unconditionally, act irrationally, live gratefully, listen constantly, and pray persistently . . . which enables us, in the face of death, to choose life; and in the face of violence and hatred, to choose peace.
My advice to you my friends... keep up your persistence and if you add prayer to it the sky's the limit as to what can be achieved.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Goose the Scholar

Hello Friends.

Oh hello there.  You may know me as "Goose the Explorer", "Goose the Adventurer", "Goose the Stick Expert", "Goose Friend to All", "Goose the Happy Dog", "Goose Giver of Comfort and Love."  But tonight I am "Goose the Scholar".  I often help my MOM when she writes stuffs.  I am her Ghost Goose Writer.  It's true.  Especially when MOM does the message on Bring Your Dog to Worship Sunday, which happens to be this Sunday.  I help her with a dogs eye view of scriptures and life.
"Hey MOM right there would be a good place to tell the story about the persistent Beagle.  It would help bring that scripture to life."
I don't know if you can read my MOM's shirt, I got it for her for her birthday a couple of years ago.  It says, "You are not the boss of me.  My dog is."  Hehehhe  Some of the best humor is the truth.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Silent Goose, Wordy MOM

Hello Friends.

Gooses MOM here.  This is my boy Goose trying with all his might to stay awake just in case I need him.  I swear sometimes I hear him say, "ahu, yea, I'm awake.  No really, watching you do your work is very interesting."

But then gravity, or the cricket that has found a spot under the couch and is singing it's lullaby song, or maybe it really is that my paper type work is not all that exciting for Goose, he drifts off to sleep.  Funny thing is, a fire truck could drive by siren blazing or thunder could clap and he would not move an inch.  But let me move a 1/2 inch or take a deep breath and he is as alert and awake as the morning sun.
Gooses MOM

Monday, October 14, 2013

Runnin and Chili

Hello Friends.

This past Saturday my MOM was busy with our 6th Annual George E. Wahlen Veterans Fun Run and Chili Cook Off.  It's a benefit to help us raise money for our local veteran's home.  And boy oh boy is it fun fun fun.  There is a 5K run and 1 mile walk that starts at the Veterans home and ends at my church.  Then at the church there are lots of peeps who have cooked all kinds of chili and other peeps go around and taste each chili and then they vote with green papers who's the best.  Plus there is a huge bouncy house of the little ones, a pumpkin patch, horse rides and more.  So I had MOM put together a little video of some of the fun that was had.  You will notice some familiar faces.  And you will notice this is a dog friendly event, there were even dogs that ran the race!  The only thing us doggies could not do was get in the bounce house.  Hummm I wonder why.  Anyway enjoy the video.

We did raise lots of green papers for our wonderful veterans.  It will go into their activity fund where they can now go fishing, takes trips, do gardening, visit all kinds of places that charge a fee and so so much more.  Last year their was enough money left over that the activity director was able to buy each Veteran a very cool polo shirt with their military insignia embroidered on it!  Have you thanked a Veteran today?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

B&W Sunday

Hello Friends.

See that there stick my friends?  That stick came all the way from Atlanta GA.!!  Yep, mailed right to me from my good friends, Buddy and Lilly.  Can you see in my eyes how I want want want that stick?  I wonder if it will taste like peaches.  Thank You THANK YOU Lilly and Buddy, you know just what this Goose loves.  Nose pokes to both of you.
A little side note: Sorry if it seems that MOM and I have not been around.  We have read your post butt because of a couple of big events that my MOM was involved with the last two weeks posting and commenting has been sparse.  Butt MOM tells me that she will do her best this week to focus only on me.   "Huh?  What?"  Oh MOM says to focus "more" on me, not "only" on me.  Really what else is there to focus on.  Sheeeeesh.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

See Beautiful

Hello Friends!

It's here!  This Moment See Beautiful.  Love Love Love It.  Come along and join our host Sugar and show how you saw, felt, experienced, shared, created and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL that surrounds you and is within you.  Yep I saw it, felt it, shared it, created it and boy oh boy did I enjoy it.  From autumns beautiful flowers to early snow fall.  There were new pups at the homeless shelter and families who moved into there own place.  Friends who love and care so much it was simply overwhelming (in a beautiful way) and those who learned that beautiful is indeed within them.  And even when things may have seemed dark those simple two words, See Beautiful, brought light.  Here is a little bit of the beautiful in my world.

Now that is beautiful my friends.  You are beautiful.  And life is beautiful.  See it, share it, create it, believe it.  When you do that the sun will always shine on your face even in the dark.  Trust me I know and I have seen and felt it. 
Beautiful Blessings,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Finding Peace

Hello Friends.

What is your idea of peace?

A few years ago, a contest invited artists to paint a picture of peace. Entries were diverse. After much deliberation two finalists vied for the prize. The first artist had interpreted peace by painting a quiet lake nestled high in the lonely mountains. The second artist painted a thundering waterfall with the branch of a birch tree bending over the exploding foam. On the fork of that limb, just out of reach of the waterfall’s spray, a robin sat in her nest totally undisturbed.

At times MOM and I long for the quiet mountain lake. "God, please give me serenity; rest, devoid of hurries, hassles, hurts, and hang-ups." The life we lead, and I suspect that you do too, can be at times quite different. It is a cacophony of important responsibilities, challenges, unexpected stuffs, constant demands (fill in your own things here). It is a far cry from a quiet lake on a misty morning. And that’s okay!

Jesus never promised endless ease. Oh, make no mistake about it, he does guarantee peace; but it is a peace found in the midst of life’s troubles, not away from them.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The picture of peace that Jesus promises is that of the robin just above the thundering falls. And we become that robin sitting quietly above the torrents of worry—deeply at peace—when we rest in Christ.
When the waters of worry, hurt, exhaustion, or uncertainty, rush below you and over you.  When the demands, deadlines, and difficulties send a spray of anxiety all around you, there is a safe place, a quiet nest above the turbulent waters. Go ahead, land on that branch, and settle into Jesus' nest.

Often it is in God's wonderful creation that MOM and I find this peace.  But this weekend I decided that MOM and I did not need to hike up a mountain to find it.  It can also be found right in our living room, nestled on the couch, soothing music playing in the back ground, a candle lit in the window, a fun book to read and just resting. 

You too can have peace when life is not peaceful! Trust Him. He will hold you up.  Oh, and belly rubs are very peaceful for both the giver and receiver.