Hello Friends
I just want to shout it out: I'M BACK!!
There are still a few bugs to work out, butt I'm back and I am so happy. MOM got a new laptop and the funny thing is that a guy at Hershey's thought he could fix the old laptop (which isn't really that old). And guess what? He DID! I know what you are thinking. Hershey's? The candy company? Yep friends that's right. Seems all that was needed was to insert some peanut butter cups and twizzlers. Go figure. Now all he has to do is replace the screen and it will be like new. Good thing because Windows 8 is driving MOM a bit crazy, butt she is still trying to learn all the weirdness of it. The smashed in back window of my Blazer will soon be fixed too. MOM got a new back window a little bit ago butt has not had time to install it. And as for the camera, well as I said it did not make it. Butt tomorrow I will tell you a beautiful story of generosity and grace about the camera.
So what else has been going on? Well kick back grab a cool drink and I will show you.
I got a package in the mail.
Let me open it to show you what's inside.
Oh I think I know what this is.
Almost got it.
It's the Mischief Master Class book!
I was the highest bidder at the auction and I got this GREAT book. The best part, as you may already know, is all the proceeds go to help our friend Benny with his Chemo treatments. I bet I will ace this class.
You see this beautiful girl? This is Bert's big sister, Abby. I am sorry to say that this past week Abby crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. As you can imagine Miss Vickie is just heart sick over their loss. Abby was the peaceful, calming presence at Bert's place. In a world at Canine Country Club (Bert's Place) where sometimes it can get a bit hectic, and loud, and rambunctious, she was that calmness that soothed the hearts and minds of dogs and peeps alike. She was a good friend and I will miss her dearly.
I've been playing with my friends at the river.
Of course there have been many stick rescuing.
And taking many walks with my MOM to bring smiles and peace to both of us.
This here photo is for my beautiful friend Cam-a-Roo. When MOM and I were walking and I saw this I could not help butt think of her. We thought of many of you as we took our walks.
Check this out! I call this Dinner!
Lord I am so thankful for all this bounty.
The garden is doing wonderfully. And the best part is that we pick all kinds of veggies twice a week. On Sunday we pick loads and loads of the stuff and the peeps at church get to take home as much as they want. I mean we fill wheelbarrows FULL of this yummy stuff and wheel it into the church. Butt wait there is more. On Wednesday we pick even MORE and we take it to St. Anne's Homeless Shelter where my MOM uses it to create nutritious and yummy meals for the people they feed there. On a daily basis they feed over 200 people for lunch each day and there is more than enough veggies to do that. AND even more beautiful part of this is that some of the folks from church come each Wednesday to help my MOM.
Of course we get to enjoy some of this at home as well. Ooooo tear drop tomatoes. I love those.
And over here we have cucumbers and squash. Nom Nom.
And what do we have here? My taste buds tells me they are beans. Ya gotta love that. Not to mention the peppers, big tomatoes and white flesh peaches. Not pictured (because there was not room on the table) carrots, chilies, okra, onions, greens.
You are looking at one hap happy dog.
I am back in Blogville, MOM is doing better, my cup runs over with the abundance of the earth, I am loved beyond measure, and I have the bestest friends any dog could even hope for. Yep this is the face of a happy and blessed dog.
Did you notice the bright, vivid, life like color of the veggie photos? You did? Well friends that is apart of that generosity grace story I will tell you about tomorrow.