Monday, June 25, 2012

Splish Splash

"Hey MOM you know what today is?"
"A good day?"
"Yea a good day, let's go outside and I'll show you how good!"

It's flood the yard day.   And I get to train for the Blogville Olympics in the water.  That means I get to train in a low impact way and have fun doing it.  I start with doing water sprints across the flooded yard. 

Note from MOM: Some of you have asked if this flooding is because of rain.  No it is not.  We desperately need rain.  We currently have 10 wild fires burning and it is very dry.  This flooding happens once a week.  Where you might have a sprinkler to water your yard, we have flood irrigation.  Once every 7 1/2 days the water comes down the ditch and we open a gate to our yard and flood our yard for 3 1/2 hours.  Now back to Goose.

And practice my jumping across stuff.

Of course I must keep hydrated even though I'm training in water.

Many events will require me to leap.  Weeeeee, this is less like training and more like fun.

Look Bert I am up to my elbows in the H2O.  I really should have invited him over.

Look MOM your boys a "Tree Huger".  Bawhahhahaa

This is my training partner, Shadow Goose.

"Hey MOM you know what time it is?"
"What time is it Goosey?"
"Dinner time.  An athlete must get the proper nutrition."

Hope you all are training for the Olympics.  I'm hosting the STICK event.  That includes Singles Stick Carry (you and a stick) and Team Stick Carry (you a stick and your friends).  You can start sending your entry beginning JULY 9th.


  1. Dude, that is such a great day. I mean I love the water olympics and I am jelous you got to play and I didn't get to come. Your right, My Vickie needs to buck up and deal with the heat.

    But Goose, gotta say, that first picture. I am not sure what to think about it.

    Later dude
    PS> I think I overheard My Vickie talking on the phone to your Michelle about taking us up in the mountains Wednesday.

  2. Hi Goose, Too pawsome! Love your training, you'll be the best. I've got to figure out what Hunter can participate in-it may be chewing up his Bully Stick. I might see if I can get him to carry a stick though. You are just so cute. Hunter does not bother the birds too much-he might chase them but then I'm there to redirect him.
    Happy Training.
    Noreen & Hunter

  3. Is your yard a rice paddy? I'm confused as to why you flood your yard or is that just what you say when it rains a lot and the flooded yard is the result? Just curious.

    I do love all of those pictures of you playing in the water. It looks like Bert's influence has been rubbing off on you and you are slowly becoming more of a water dog.


  4. Looks like a wonderful day!
    Benny & Lily

  5. Didn't you just say to me to send some of my rains over????? Don't know if you NEED any more on that grass of yours!!!

    I'm in training too..... it's exhausting!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  6. Dood, we didn't know you had a waterpark in your yard! Hope you enjoyed your splish splashing. ((Hugs)) from all of us at Prancer Pie.

  7. Good practise! I love the first photo.

    Rosa, the Dane

  8. it looks like you and shadow goose had a wonderful time running hither and yon.
    wags, bailey

  9. Hi Goose , pop over and collect your award we are giving you.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. OMD OMD GOOOOOOOOOOSE you get to train on a LOW IMPACT track... You are a VERY lucky guy fur sure... I wish ALL the athletes could come and train there with you... you tree hugger you!

  11. Tree hugger, Goose, you are awesome! That shadow Goose does look like a great trainer. I think I have one of those - and I've never thought about it that way. How cool! You're right about staying hydrated and well fed. You also looked like you wanted to be Michael Phelps there for a second - up to your elbows in the water. Way to go!

    Happy seeing beautful!

  12. Goose what a great place to play. You are going to do well in the Olympics.

  13. Yes, you'd better keep up your strength Goose. It looks like your training pretty hard. It must be a blast at your house on "flood the yard" day! :)

  14. Well that is a great way to get your yard watered and to have fun too.

  15. I have never heard of flood the yard day. That is what our campground looked like last week, but it was due to rain. LOL

  16. Oh you are lucky, they flood yards here but sadly not ours, oh dog, the fun we could have. You and your shadow trainer make training look easy.

    The silvers and more

  17. Fun post,Goose. We were worried you were going to be taking a bath with that splish splash title:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  18. Wow, a whole yard of water?! That sounds super awesome to me!

  19. A tree hugger. HA woo!!! Good one, Goose! And that first picture of you? Made my mom smile RIGHT BACK ATCHA!!! Wooo!
    I like stepping in puddles and snow and stuff, but I don't like getting my feety-feet wet in wet grass. I won't tell anyone why. You make it look like a ton of fun, though!

  20. WOW! You has a WHOLE yard of water-training-so cools! Here in the jungles I is gonna hafta start shoving boys into the mommas big tub. It's gonna be sink or swim around this here Whos jungle!

    Sugar the Who

  21. Woof to you Goose!!!! There's no way I'll be able to compete in any of the water sports .... I couldn't even begin to train because I don't have a flooded back yard. And way to get into the water almost knee deep!!!! Much love to you - XXOO - Mazzie

  22. Dear Goose, I'm pretty sure Bert made prints of the first and last photographs. You case you ever mention the size of his nose again. I'm just sayin'

  23. Good training Goose! And we liked those good snout pics too!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Goose, Goose, my Mr. Funny guy. Always making me laugh and smile. Your first and last photos are the best. Shows your goofy side.

    I'll be back,

  25. Looks like you are doing a great job training.
    Starr wants to know if you need a cheerleader?

  26. I can tell you'll be a tough competitor.

    We've signed on as followers and would love it if you could stop by for a visit sometime!

    Critter Alley

  27. Oh Goose! We has water in our yard! But its because it has been non- stop raining! If it rains much more the peoples across the river will has a yard that looks like your yard! And yous should enter one of your leaps in the high jump contest!

  28. That is one wet yard!

    Stop on by for a visit

  29. Many of our rural areas still use that same type of flooding for their fields. Glad Goose got practice in early because if your land is as dry as ours, the ground is pretty much dry in 24 hours. You have a champion's form, dear friend!

  30. Any day involving water is a good day!

    the brown dawgs

    PS the Olympics sound like fun. Wish we had more time to contribute! We can't wait to see the entries.

  31. OMG looks like so much fun! Betty would not touch the water :)

  32. Ohh you're sweet.
    I just look at your blog and will come again.
    There is so much to discover beautiful.
    greetings from Sylvia and Beagle Tibi
    Ohh bist du süß.
    Ich schaue gerade deinen Blog an und werde wieder kommen.
    Es gibt hier so viel schönes zu entdecken.
    liebe Grüße von Sylvia und Beagle-Tibi

  33. Goose you sure know how to have fun when you train :D Luv your shadow sidekick :) Pretty cool how you water your yard BOL! Doin a rain dance fur yaz :)

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: That is so cool that your Mom has gotten to volunteer at Best Friends! My Mom would luv to spend some time there. What amazing things they have accomplished and still are! :)

  34. Where do I send my entry for the stick carry?


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