Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Safty Week-Pet First Aid

Hello Friends.
I am not a Dogtor or Doctor, butt for purpose of this Safety Week post I will play one today.

I am here to tell you about Pet First Aid.  Let me tell you it is a whole lot more than just a Scooby Do band aid.  It’s important that your mom or dad read this.  So I will wait while you go get them…… OK everyone here?  Good, let’s begin.  Oh before we begin I will tell you that this is a bit longer post than I normally do, butt it is VERY important.
Knowing Dog First Aid can reduce your pet's pain, suffering and perhaps even save his or her life.  First Aid for pets, just like first aid for humans, is a combination of knowledge, supplies and skills.
Before an emergency happens it is important to know what to do.  Of course prevention is an important key to the health and well being of your pet.
Pet proof your home!  We dog, and I am told cats, are inquisitive.  We like to know what is going on, what stuff is around, and we WILL check any and everything out.  We can be poisoned by all sorts of things including cleaning products, household and garden plants.  Or there is the stuff we find interesting and chew on (just ask my buddy Bert, he has had to have surgery several times to remove tennis balls and rocks from his stomach.)  We chew, especially young pets.  So safe guard your house.
There is so much I could tell you.  So I am going to touch on some common things and hope that you pick up a Pet First Aid book.
I know seeing one’s own pet in distress is painful to you mom’s and dad’s too. But we pets depend on you to help us out when we are injured and you must be calm and ready to act wisely.
Number 1 rule of caring for your pet in an emergency is do not panic! If something happens to your pet, you're going to be very distressed, but you're no use to him/her like this. Take deep breaths and think, and you'll be able to do so much more to help him/her.

Number 2 rule is use a soft muzzle on your dog. Although your pet knows you, and you know he/she is a gentle pet who would never bite, he/she is hurting and he/she is frightened. The last thing you need is both of you injured. You can use a slip leash or a soft stocking, gauze or panty hose around his/her muzzle to prevent him/her snapping at you in pain.

Pet Wounds and Bleeding
Pets cut and scratch their skin often, and even though the wound may not be deep, it can still bleed. The initial first aid for pets when they have a bleeding wound is pressure. Fold a clean cloth or handkerchief into a pad and press it over the wound.
If the wound hasn't gone through the full thickness of skin, you can usually treat it at home. When the bleeding has stopped, gently clean the wound with a gentle antiseptic such as iodine solution. If the wound is going to weep, or if your pet looks like he/she may lick it or irritate it, wrap a clean bandage around it for 24 hours, then have another look. If you're concerned at all, have the wound checked by your vet; it's worth it for your peace of mind.
More serious wounds and full thickness skin cuts need to be examined by your vet, as they may need sutures. Keep the pressure on the wound as you drive to the clinic. If the pad becomes soaked with blood, don't take it off, or you'll disturb the clot. Just put another pad on top, and keep pressing down.
You may have heard about using a tourniquet to stop bleeding. This involves tying a tight strip or cloth or piece of cord around the leg above the source of the bleeding, and pulling it tight. It does work to stop bleeding but it also cuts off the blood supply to healthy tissues in the leg. Because that can cause quite severe damage to the leg, you should only use a tourniquet if your pet's bleeding is life threatening. That means only if there is red arterial blood pumping from a wound. You'll need to release the tourniquet every 20 minutes, only for around 15 seconds, just to allow blood flow to the rest of the leg. In spite of this, using a tourniquet may result in permanent damage to his/her leg.

Penetrating Injuries
This type of injury results in a deep hole in the skin or even into a body cavity. Common causes include playing with sticks and bite wounds.
If your pet has been bitten by another pet, his/her wounds may bleed quite a lot. Although the puncture wounds are usually small, there is often very painful muscle damage underneath the skin, and your pet really does need pain relief and antibiotics.
First aid involves muzzling your pet, and trying to keep the injured area as still as possible while you transport him/her to your vet. If there is a stick or other foreign body sticking out of your pet's skin, don't ever try and pull it out yourself. You can trim it until it's only about five inches long, but leave it up to your vet to remove it.

Treating Pet Fractures
Pets with fractures are also frequently presented to emergency vets. There are many causes, but one of the most common would be a motor vehicle accident where a pet has been hit by a car. A pet with a broken bone in a limb won't use the leg at all, and will carry it all the time. He/she may cry when the leg is moved, but many pets are very stoic and tolerate quite a lot of pain in silence.
If you are worried your pet has a broken leg, don't try to splint it. He/she will be in a lot of pain and moving the broken bones will hurt even more. Don't try to wash any wounds either, just cover them with a clean cloth and use a blanket or board to carry your pet to the car for the trip to your vet.

Pet Heat Stroke
This dangerous condition can occur if a pet is left in a hot car, or if he/she exercises too much in hot weather conditions. Recent research has shown that cars can become hot death traps even on a cool day.
If your pet has a temperature over 105 degrees F, it means he/she is in serious trouble. A high body temperature can affect every organ in the body and it can be fatal.
Symptoms of heat stroke are easy to recognize. Your pet will pant heavily, and will want to lie down all the time. He/she may even appear to be dizzy. These symptoms, plus a warm environment, will usually lead you to the right diagnosis.
The first thing to do is to get your pet away from the source of heat. That means move him/her out of the car, or if you're playing outdoors, take him/her under a shady tree. It's very important that you take immediate steps to get your pet's body temperature down as quickly as possible.
The most logical first aid for pets suffering from heat stroke isn't necessarily the right one. Most people think that if they wash their pet down with iced water, it's better because it will cool them quicker. In fact, the opposite is true. Iced water will cause the blood vessels in your pet's skin to contract, and slow the circulation of cooled blood around his/her body. It's much more effective to use tepid or tap water. You can hose his/her body, and put cool wet towels in his/her armpit, groin and on his/her neck. That's where the body's largest veins are closest to the surface. Take your pet to your vet immediately for care. Even if your dog looks okay, there can be damage to internal organs that needs further treatment.

Eye and Nose Injuries
Pets get nose bleeds just like humans do, often after a bump to the face. Treatment is very straightforward; keep your pet as calm as you can so his/her heart rate eases and the bleeding slows. Then put an icepack on the top of his/her nose. Don't try and stick cotton balls or anything similar up his/her nose because it will probably make him/her sneeze and will dislodge any clot that has formed.
This treatment is usually very effective but if the bleeding happens regularly, have your dog checked by your vet.
It's important to treat eye emergencies quickly to give your pet the best chance of making a full recovery. Some breeds of dogs, such as Pekingese and Chihuahuas have very shallow eye sockets, and their eye may pop out if there is any tension on the fur over their head and neck! If this happens, keep the eye moist with water and go immediately to your vet.
If you're concerned about a splinter in your pet's eye, or if he/she is constantly squinting and pawing at his/her eye, place a moist cloth over his/her eye and take him/her to your vet to have it checked.

First Aid for Choking
It's terrifying to see a pet choke. Fortunately, this doesn't happen very often. Many pets who appear to be choking actually have a respiratory infection that is making them gag and retch. If you're not sure, make an appointment with your vet to have your dog checked out, just for your peace of mind.
If your pet really does have something stuck in his/her throat, you can try what is called a finger sweep. This is when you use a finger and slide it along the inside of his/her cheek to the back of his/her mouth. Move it towards the center of his throat, and try to dislodge anything that is stuck there. This isn't hard to do if your pet is unconscious but may be dangerous if he/she is awake. Don't ever try a finger sweep if there is any chance your dog could bite you.
You can also compress his/her chest to try and use the air in his/her lungs to force the object out of his/her windpipe. Depending on the size of your pet, you can press firmly on his/her chest, or you can perform the Heimlich maneuver if you have a larger pet. This involves putting both fists together just underneath his/her breastbone and suddenly pushing upwards towards his/her chest.
If neither of these are successful, start artificial respiration and race him/her to your veterinarian.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
It's a great idea to learn how to give your pet cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also known as artificial breathing. Yes, it means you have to put your mouth to your pet's nose, but it may save his/her life.
It's much easier if you have help from a second person; they can perform chest compressions while you breathe into your pet's nose.
Stretch out your pet's neck until it is straight, and pull his/her tongue forward. Cup your hands around his/her mouth so they seal his/her lips, and make sure the corners of his/her mouth are tightly closed. Blow into his/her nose until you see his/her chest expand. You can continue this at a rate of around 20 breaths per minute.
If your pet doesn't have a pulse, you'll have to perform chest compressions to keep blood circulating around his/her body. Use the flat of your hand on the widest part of your pet's chest, and press firmly down until the chest wall compresses by a few inches. If you have a tiny pet, wrap both hands around his/her chest and squeeze. You'll need to do this around 80 to 100 times per minute. Ideally, give your pet two breaths after every 12 compressions of his/her chest.
You can see that performing CPR on a pet can be physically tiring. It's important that you keep going until your pet shows signs of responding, or until you get him/her to your veterinarian.

Transporting Your Injured Pet
If your pet is injured, you will need to be very careful in transporting him/her to your veterinarian to avoid making the injuries worse. Unless you need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation or you need to stem excessive bleeding, it's more important to get your dog to the clinic quickly rather than splint legs or check for other injuries.
If he/she is unable to walk, a blanket or large flat piece of cardboard will make it easy to lift him/her. Slide him/her carefully onto it, and try as best you can to keep his/her back straight and his/her head in a normal position as you lift him/her into your car. Cover him/her with a blanket and keep the heater on as you drive to the clinic; pets with shock often feel very cold.

Do you have a Pet First Aid Kit?


You should.  Here is what a well stocked Pet First Aid Kit would include (butt not limited to) because accidents will happen.  And it will give your pet a fighting chance until you get him/her to the vet.

My MOM has two types of kits: 1 for our few hours’ adventure and one for when we are gone for several days on a trip.  Don't forget two very important items.  A book on pet first aid is vital. You can't know everything that can happen to your pet, or how to treat it.  Make sure the First Aid book you get is small enough to fit in your kit.  And read it, Before you need it!

The second important item to have with your dog first aid supplies is clean water. Your pet will need fluids to help him/her survive.

First Aid Cleaning products: Saline eye wash to flush injured eyes.
Sterile saline to bathe skin wounds. Antiseptic skin cleanser e.g. iodine or chlorhexidine scrub.
Dressings: Conforming bandage in case of snake bite. Gauze pads. Adhesive tape to hold swabs in place. Self-adhering bandage such as vet wrap to put pressure on bleeding wounds on legs or tail. Sterile non-stick pads Ace bandage (self adhering) New Skin liquid bandage or "Mole Skin" (to quickly repair splits in pads) Cotton balls and swabs Small bottle of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
Dog Medications: Benadryl - an antihistamine - used for allergic reactions to insect stings. Speak to your vet about dosage, but guideline is 0.5 to 2 mg per pound (1 to 4 mg/kg) given by mouth two to three times daily.
Antiseptic wound dressing ointment such as iodine for abrasions and wounds.
3% Hydrogen Peroxide - if your pet eats something toxic, giving one teaspoon (5ml) per 10 pounds of body weight which will make him/her vomit it up. do not use if your dog has ingested acids, alkalis, or petroleum products.
And a supply of your pets prescriptions (make sure you rotate these out).

(Even MOM's need first aid.  I am her Dogtor and she will be just fine)

Other Items for Your Pet First Aid Kit: Your dog's medical history in case you need to visit an emergency vet. Vet's phone number, emergency clinic phone number, poisons information phone number. Small blunt end scissors Oral syringe (3 cc) for administering liquid oral medicines, or for getting an ear drying solution into your dog's ears. Eye dropper (instead of the syringe). Oral syringe (10 cc) for cleaning and flushing wounds. Safety pins in several sizes. Small empty containers for pain pills and medications. Rubber gloves. Instant ice compress. Washcloth. Small jar of Vaseline. Styptic Powder. Anti-gas tablets (for digestive problems). Imodium tablets or generic brand (for diarrhea). Pepto Bismol tablets or liquid (for digestive trouble). Tweezers to remove splinters or other foreign bodies. Blanket to keep your dog warm, or could be used as a stretcher. Disposable gloves. Flashlight - accidents happen in the dark too. Syringes to flush wounds. A towel and a blanket or "Space" blanket or other heat-reflective blanket.

These items will help you relieve your dog's pain or allergy symptoms.
Buffered aspirin or ascriptin (5 grain, use a child's dose). Benadryl 25 mg tabs or generic brand (for allergic reactions; use a child's dose).

Use only aspirin for relieving your dog's pain. Aspirin can cause stomach ulcers in your pet, so watch him/her closely for signs of stomach upset. Use buffered aspirin or ascriptin to minimize these stomach problems.

Keep safe out there friends.  And please check out all the other venues available to you during Safety Week.  Remember a safe pup, kit kat, goat, lama, snail, or whatever is a happy pet.

 PS- I'll be gone for awhile.  Well I'll be around butt my MOM is taking the youth at our church on their annual Summer retreat.  Their going to Idaho, I'll be kicking it with Bert.  I'll be back in Blogville on Monday. 


Daily Transportation – Aug 12-16 – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
Blog Hop – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
Smilebox – Mona – justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 11: Opening Ceremony – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Opening Speech – Madi – downhomeinnc.blogspotDOTCOM
               Parade – Sarge – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM

Aug 12:  Poop Bags/Flashlights – Lassie & Benji – lassiterchase.blogspotDOTCOM
               Plant Dangers – Reilly& Denny – cowspotdogs.blogspotDOTCOM
               Wild Animal Encounters – Lee & Phod -    kten-haileychronicles.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Travel Safety – Oz – www.oztheterrierDOTCOM
               Traffic Safety – Frank – theadventuresofthetank.blogspotDOTCOM  

Aug 13: HGE Illness – Sidebite – susieandsidebite.blogspotDOTCOM
               Food Safety – Sasha – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Stranger Danger – Angus – stellaroselong.blogspotDOTCOM
               TreeRat Hunting Safety – Ruby – www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM 
               Water Safety – Fudge – theportuguesewaterblog.blogspotDOTCOM
               There’s an App for That – Duncan – www.whitedogblogDOTCOM

 Aug 14: Pet Fire Safety – FiveSibes – fivesibes.blogspotDOTCOM
               First Aid Tips – Goose – gospelofgoose.blogspotDOTCOM
               Hot Weather Safety – Idaho Pugs – idahopugranch.blogspotDOTCOM 
               Pet Insurance – Bunk – www.bunkblogDOTNET
               Microchipping – Wallace& Samuel – www.wallaceandsamuel.wordpressDOTCOM
               School Supply Dangers – Bentley & Pierre – www.mkclintonDOTCOM

Aug 15: Search& Rescue – Bert –   bertdidit.blogspotDOTCOM  
                Zoomie Safety – Millie & Walter – www.birdbrainsanddogtales.wordpressDOTCOM
               Stormy Weather Safety – Casey & Cinderella  savetheboxers.blogspotDOTCOM
               Water Safety – Lily & Edward -  www.twofrenchbulldogsDOTCOM
               Pickpocket Protection – Easy – www.easyweimaraner.wordpressDOTCOM

Aug 16: Picnic – Sasha & Ruby – chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspotDOTCOM  and  www.rubytheairedalepupDOTCOM
               DJ Rockin’ Wills Music Set– Sweet William – sweetwilliamthescot.blogspotDOTCOM
               Bad Dawg Agency concert – baddawgagency.blogspotDOTCOM
               Surf Jammers concert – sargespeaksout.blogspotDOTCOM
               ADTR Fundraiser Kissing Booth – Mona & Prissy  -  justustexasdachsies.blogspotDOTCOM  
               Bounce House – Frankie & Ernie  -  frankiefurterprice.blogspotDOTCOM
               Sand Box – Daisy – dailydaisydog.blogspotDOTCOM








  1. that was a totally pawsome post - so much excellent information - you are indeed a wonderful teacher !

  2. Goose and Mom
    Thank you 87 tons for this thorough pet first aid!! You are 100% correct we cats will poke our heads in a lot of things and places just 'cause we can. You were one fine model for each and every section of this post. I have a box labeled "Madi's box". Ohhh we hope mom's finger is healing and she and the youth have a good trip. we know you'll have a ball with Bert.
    Tons of Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Wow…. dat was a GREAT post Goose. Mom learned a lot and I loved all your visual first-aids!
    Well done.

  4. fantastic post and a lot i did not know. thanks and Mom have a good time

  5. First, I hope your mom's finger heals up quickly and she has a good time at the camp with the young bipeds. How sad that this big pond is between us, otherwise you could wait for your mom in my crib. I agree with you, biting wounds are sneaky the look small butt they can be very deep. I read your post together with the staff and I hope they learnt a lot. Once I've heard from a Weim-mom, that they saved one of their mistygrey friends with stitching his wound with dental floss (it was an emergency case far away from a dogtor or any civilization), don't laugh but we added dental floss and a surgical needle to my first aid kit, just in case. Have a good weekend with Bert dear Bro!

  6. This is such a wonderful AND important post, Goose - you did a fantastic job. We had a bit of an emergency here last night with Ciara having another seizure, but Mom and Dad have had way too much experience with this and know how to handle the situation. Mom knows that one day she may have a situation with Phantom collapsing and need to get him to the vet. Hopefully there will be someone around the house or neighborhood to give her some helping human paws.

    Once again, great post.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Goose, this was a MOST EXCELLENT post! It was so good I shared it to my G+ page and my Facebook page as a "must-read for pet owners". Thank you for sharing all this great information with us.

  8. This was definitely a must read post for all pet owners. Thankfully my Lee carries a kit in our car for me and other that might need help. Lee keeps a big thick blanket in the car also. Once she had to toss it over a dogs head an wrap it tight so the poor thing could not see to bite, sadly it had been hit by a car backing up.
    Thanks Goose
    Sweet William The Scot

  9. What a great informative post Goose! tons of valuable information here.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    Pee es
    Your Mom is going to be in Idaho??? Cool!

  10. That is a most excellent post Goose. You would make an excellent dogtur if you decided to play one on TV. We learned lots and lots from your post.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  11. TEACHER Dr. GOOOOOOOOSE TEACHER GOOOOOOOOSSSSEEEEEE, It's ME Ernie.... right here in the FRONT ROW... CENTER... OMD Dr. GOOOSE this is just ASTOUNDING INFORMATION... we have been taking CAREFUL NOTES and are now up to 887 PAGES worth...
    You are an ASTOUNDING Furst Aid Teacher. We feel SO much Better now... butt WHAT happened to your mom's Finger??? Did she have to go to the Stuffie Surgery place? OMD... did they put a Squeaker in her?
    We hope she has lots of fun with the kidlets... tell her to hurry back.
    and ....
    THANK YOU FUR DOING THIS FUR US... Your Student, Ernest vonSchnitzel and .... HIM.

  12. Hey Goose!
    Wow, you did a super job with this and your pix are adorable! OMD that's good info about not removing anything that's puncturing because it would bleed so badly. Also excellent tips about pet CPR. I once watched a dogtor do cpr on a lamb that was stillborn and IT WORKED! Same process as what you described and the lamb sprang to life. Incredible. Thanks so very much for pawticipating and sharing all of this with us. We'll miss you while your gone! Love to you and your Mom...hurry back!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  13. Hi Goose! Have a great time with Bert!
    Your Safety tips were really good, Mum has a first aid kit she takes with us when walking and hiking but after reading this I'm going to have to tell her to add a few extra things, you did such a good job with pretending to be injured, really like you dressed up as a dogtor Goose, you look so very cute but very professional too, you and your Mom did a wonderful job, I have learned so very much today and I'm sure others will have too, now I'm going to make a shopping list of all the extra things we need to buy for our first aid kit and Mums bedtime stories to me tonight will be reading over my Puggy first aid book again and this post to refresh her memory! Thank you so much! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

  14. Goose, thank you for all of that very impawtant information! That is really great stuff to know. We don't do a lot of travelling but Mommy admits she never thought of a first aid kit for me. She is totally gonna do it now and thanks. We had to snicker just a bit about the muzzle since I don't have much of a snout, but the the evil Vetlady did give Mommy a muzzle that works for me(grrrrrr). Thanks again for all the great pictures and details. I hope you have a blast with Bert and I will cross paws so Mommy has a safe camping trip.Loves Sasha

  15. Wonderful and very helpful post. Mommy and Daddy took a Pet First Aid class at the local Red Cross office and they also got a big pet First Aid Book. All they really have to work on is staying calm and that just isn't easy for them to do. Especially Mommy. If one of us even squeaks, she has a heart attack!

  16. Great job on First Aid, Goose! It is so important when an emergency happens to remain calm. I need to work on that. ☺ Have fun with Bert and tell your mom to have a safe trip.

  17. All important tips! We have both a house safety kit and a lighter travel kit, as well as kits for the horses. We have a small one for the saddlebags too. Thank fully we've never needed more than a band aid or a little bit of duct tape to hold a loose shoe on, but we are always careful to take it with.

    Monty and Harlow

  18. Thanks for all the impawtant tips, Goose! A first aid kit is a vital thing for all pet owners to have handy!

  19. SO much learned, Goose! I'm going to make my Momma print out this post and stick it in the new first aid kit she's making up for me for just in case stuff!

  20. Hey Goose!
    Wow, your post was so super! I am visiting everyone again to give my thanks for your work in hosting this fur us. I loved your pix and also the info on pet CPR. I know you're off and busy at the moment, but thanks again for joining in with Safety Week! You will be entered in the Host Appreciation Drawing for a cool prize. Random drawing to be held on Monday, August 18th.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  21. This is a very helpful post! And the pictures are so cute! Glad your mom will be okay. :) Happy weekend to you and yours!!

  22. A must read for every human guardian of a companion animal! Better yet, print it out and keep it in the first aid kit along with the official book! We are reacquainting ourselves with a lot of this information now that we have a puppy in the Army...THEY get into everything!

  23. That is some my-T-Fine advice, Dr. Goose. I got to have a Benadryl in some fancy cheese today, because me and dad found some ground wasps. August Bees are so cranky!


  24. Dr. Goose...that is EXCELLENT post with lots of valuable info. We'll be sure to bookmark and also share with our FiveSibes friends and furpals. We do have a First Aid Kit and I've taken Pet First Aid & CPR courses through the Red Cross. All very important things to do. Thank you for a great post...and loved all of your pics!

  25. Goose you did an excellent job on your post. Millie knows all about ouchies and our parents are very good at first aid.

  26. That was VERY informative, Dr. Goose! Thank you!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  27. I couldn't find the comment box. It was waaaaaay down in the bottom. I think that I should print out your post and keep it with me at all times. That was amazing - so much good information. I love the demonstrations. Ummm, were those real stitches in Michelle's finger? I hope not. But, maybe you put them in, Goose. After all, you are a doc!

    Thanks so much.

  28. Hari Om
    Oh dear Goose - blogger is playing nasties and this post didn't come up on my reading list...another fave blog has also dropped off the radar so I hope this is just a glitch........but anyway, better late than not at all. I was super impressed with all the efforts in Blogville's safety week, but this is especially extra-special to me as a retired medical person; a very professional and thorough post!!! I do hope Mom's finger is mending well. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  29. This is an incredible resource for pet owners. Thank you so much for putting so much working into this. And we hope your finger's feeling much better!

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