Tuesday, August 19, 2014

MOM's Youth Retreat

Hello Friends.

As you know my MOM took some of the youth from our church on their annual Summer retreat.  They went to Soda Springs Idaho.  I did not go, bummer I know.  Butt I had a real nice time at Bert's place.

MOM and the youth did all sorts of stuffs.  Devotions and fun Bible things, boating.  They rode in a tube real FAST.  Even my MOM did it, of course.  She really is a kid at heart.  And yes in the video right after my MOM's picture is her crash and burn... or is it crash and wet.  They drove to Lava Hot Springs and played at a cool drool water park.  They tubed down a river, cooled off in the lake, played fun games like water balloon volleyball, roasted tube steaks, went on a snipe hunt.  There was all kinds of wildlife everywhere, beautiful scenery and much much more.  Oh and there were dogs there.  Misty is a little dog that lives at a cabin down the road and she really liked hanging out with the kids and they loved playing with her.  AND Otti and Bella were there.  Otti and Bella stay at Bert's place when their parents go out of town.  But this time their parents took them to the Blackfoot forest.  They LOVE swimming with their dad in the lake.  I put together a little video of the fun, fellowship and faith building that happened on my MOM's trip with her kids.

Everyone had a GREAT time!  Like the song says "I want to do life big", and that is what they did.  They seized every moment and enjoyed it to the fullest, discovering more about themselves, each other and growing deeper in their relationship with God. 
You saw all those moose in the video my MOM saw right?  Well in my next post I will show you more moose my MOM saw here at home and how totally CRAZY she was in getting them to pose for a picture. 


  1. Beautiful and LOVE the song. Sending you both Lots of Golden LOVE <3

  2. Hi Goose, So glad your mom had such a great time; I know she was a blessing to all who were there. I also know that you probably had a great time with Bert and Miss Vickie.
    Can't wait to see more Moose photos.
    Wags, Noreen & Hunter

  3. What a shame that you didn't get to go, but it looks like your Mom had a wonderful time!

  4. Sounds like your momma had some fun!

  5. What a fabulous video!!! We felt like we were actually there!! Loved every single thing...and the song is awesome!! Your MOM loves to partay with her kids...that is so great...we wish we could go to her church!

  6. Nice to know mum had a lovely time and it is sad you didn't get to go Goose but you made up for it with an extra special welcome home for mum.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Hari OM
    What amazing photos and the atmosphere and fellowship shine through. Blessings, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. those were wonderful photo's looks like everyone had the best time

  9. Yay Goose we were hoping your mom would assemble one of her great videos to show us about her trip.
    Hugs and we know you had a good time with Bert
    Madi your bfff

  10. Your movie was fun to see,
    watching everyone having a great time in Idaho,
    thanks for sharing with us.
    xo Cinnamon .

  11. Those young peeps will remember that outting fur the REST of their lives. And THAT is THANKS to your mom. HOW WONDERFUL.

  12. loved the swimming dogs and the FIRE and the weenie roast.. sorry you missed all that swimming goose

  13. was that such a pelikan-bird? and wow two rainbows! I hope they all made a wish as they saw this wonderful sky. I would like to hear more about the moose, they look totally interesting!

  14. That looks like a wonderful time! And it was such a beautiful place to have fun too! Goose, did you know that the fun water park is where the Dogapoolooza is on September 6th? Me and Stanley want to go sooooo bad!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  15. Fantastic. Bets lots of people could use that retreat
    Lily & Edward

  16. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful video! That all looked like a blast :)

  17. They all sure looked like they were having a great time.

  18. Oh man! Ma can't gets the video thingie to play right, darn intermutts!!! I'll come back laters and check it out Goose!! I bets it was FABulous!!!
    Ruby ♥

  19. That looks like an absolutely incredible time!! So much seeing (and diving for) beautiful!

  20. Oh, what FUN! Mooses! Pelicans! Kids! Flowers! Eastern Kingbird! Duck! (I'm not up on my ducks yet ...) Hot dogs! Mmmmmarshmellows!!! Water fun!
    What a blast! I'm just sorry you didn't get to go -- although I'm sure you had fun with Bert!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
